Who am I?

A Venezuelan born with Hungarian roots, in love with photography. Mechanical Engineer by profession, photographer by passion. Showing with my lenses what my soul reflects.

I have an obsession for doors.

Ever since I remember, pictures were always a part of my life. My dad was the specialist on capturing every single moment of our lives, he had a wall at home with about 1500 images, of everyone, even a lot of those images told his story as a young rebellious soul, wandering all over the 1960's Europe.

So yes, my love for capturing moments comes from those crazy stories printed on kodak paper and pinned on a flat-cork in a big wall.

I can say self-taught in photography, or better say my soul and my eyes are my everyday teachers.

Always looking for the perfect square, line, and all the imperfection we see and never show. Like to live deep and suck all the marrow of life.